Saturday, August 05, 2006

What world is real?

What world is real? The more I read the bible, the more it becomes obvious to me that there is two worlds. A physical world, and a spiritual world. It's not that I ever denied or doubted that, but sometimes, I become oblivious to that.

We're spending this month on the topic of prayer at church. One thing that I know is that Prayer is natural. It is something in every human being that always tries to cry out beyond ourselves. Even in communist regimes, where the government has tried to stamp our religion by force, they still cannot stamp out the internal yearning for more beyond ourself.

For instance, in communist Russia under Stalin, and communist China under Mao, the people were taught to "think" of their dear leaders when their work was difficult, or when they were dissuaded by the communist ideologies. In China, people were often forced to confess their sins to Mao in a prayerful form. They can try to wipe out religion, but they can never wipe out what is natural to every human - an internal desire for a spiritual Father. These regimes simply put man in the place of God.

I was encouraged tonight by a story of Elisha. It is found in 2 Kings 6:8-22. Here Elisha and his servant, surrounded by an enemy army. The servant was distressed but Elisha was calm. Elisha prays a simple prayer "O LORD, open his eyes so he may see." Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha". (2 Kings 6:17).

In the physical world, there was every reason to fear. But Elisha realised that the spiritual world was much more real. He could see into this spiritual world. What is stopping us from seeing into this spiritual world? I believe that we have become numbed and too attached to the natural (too much tv, too many sensory experiences, too much visual entertainment). It's time to examine ourselves and ask, what world is more real to us?

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