Friday, June 24, 2005

Just another thought...

1) I read this today on and I must say that I agree...

In the heat of partisan politics (out of which many of these overstatements and misunderstandings arise), we are tempted to forget that the most potent political act—the one act that deeply manifests and really empowers a "kind and noble society"—is the worship of Jesus Christ.

In worship we signal who is the Sovereign, not of just this nation, but of heaven and Earth. In worship we gather to be formed into an alternate polis, the people of God. It is here that we proclaim that a new political order—the kingdom of heaven—has been preached and incarnated by the King of Kings, and will someday come in fullness, a fullness to which all kingdoms and republics will submit:

"I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God. … The city does not need the sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp. The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the Earth will bring their splendor into it" (Rev. 21:2, 23-24).

Friday arvo thoughts...

Its Friday afternoon. I'm in the office working on a project (converting a web-based oracle system into a desktop client/server app). Well, I've done as much as I can for the moment. So now I will give an update of what has been happening over the past week...

I am enjoying having my Indonesian colleagues in the office over the past 2 weeks. They will be here for another week. They are all in there 30's, and are also Muslim. I like to talk to them and gain their perspective on Australian culture as well as discuss some of my own ideas about Indonesian politics and society. They bring a good atmosphere to this office. They always like to talk and laugh. They are good workers. I'm looking forward to visiting them in their office in Jakarta.

I bought some business shirts from Myers a couple of weeks ago and I am very dissappointed. They were on sale. the quality was extremely poor. loose cuffs, poor polyester/cotton mix, thick material etc... I told myself that I will only by quality from now on... that is, until I went to a little Boutique on Hay St and saw the price of quality... $250 for business shirts, $100 for ties, $139 for a scarf. Gak... they have gotta be kidding. I think I will wait until I go to Indo.

Rabu malam... I spoke about fruits of the Spirit at home group, concentrating on the gift of goodness. The main thing that I wanted to communicate was the difference between the works of goodness that any human being is capable of doing, and the gift of goodness which is given by God and by God alone. There is always a feeling of unworthiness whenever I speak to a group about the things of God. But I know that by faith... I AM IN RIGHT STANDING WITH GOD. All grace abounds toward me.

Kemarin malam... I saw Mr & Mrs Smith. I think it is good. I have heard mixed reports, but I enjoyed it.

Malam ini... nothing planned.

Besok malam... Young adults progressive dinner... Main course will be at my house. There should be about 25 people. I'm looking forward to it.

Minggu pagi dan Minggu malam... GEREJA... Yay!!!

GBU all :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

His Hands

Bombs destroyed a cathedral in World War II. A statue of Christ the Good Sheperd, with his arms outstretched fell forward, shattering the hands. The first idea was to get a renowned sculpter to repair it. However when the rebuilt cathedral re-opened, there were still just shattered stumps at the wrists. But there was a new inscription on the plinth: "He has no hands but yours."

- excerpt taken from Mt Pleasant Baptist Togethor magazine

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Cells... continued

In my first post on this blog I spoke about the incredible complexity of a single cell. I have found a website that contains a logical diagram of this cell. Have a look...

Congratulations Chris

My friend Chris was officially commisioned yesterday as a High School Chaplain. It is true to say that I do not know a single person who is more suited and more passionate for this job.

Chris was a police officer for the WA police force for 5 years. He also began and led a youth group at Metro church that grew substantially in a very small period of time. He has a great heart for the young generation and it's clear to see that he has devoted his life to helping teens to be all that they can be in Christ.

The ceremony was good. It was held at Melville Church of Christ. Special guests included the Mayor of Melville - Katherine Jackson, Phil Stevenson, the principle of Melville Senior Highschool, and many of Chris's close friends.

We all want you to know that you have our support. God Bless you.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Just as I thought... President's phone crashes line

A bid by Indonesia's first directly elected president to be closer to his people by publicising his mobile phone number backfired over the weekend, after thousands of calls crashed the line. (go to the article)

Monday, June 13, 2005

Call 0811109949, Susilo will answer

I just found this in the Jakarta Post.

For those of you who find the notoriously inept bureaucracy is posing a stumbling block in seeking a solution to your problems, add 0811109949 to your phonebook and the President will lend a helping hand.

Read the rest here.

Thursday, June 09, 2005


I would like to be able to speak clearly and confidently about any topic. Regardless of how much I actually know. One technique that I have started using is to write down my thoughts clearly. I took this principle from Habakkuk 2:2 which says:

"...Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads

For instance, one of my favourite topics of discussion is 20th century Chinese history. But the fact is, I don't actually know very much about the topic. So when I have 5 minutes free at work, I think of something that I have just learnt and I will write it down succinctly and clearly (no more than 1 or 2 paragraphs), including the facts that I'm aware of. I've found this very helpful and I am able to communicate it much clearer.

Work Prank

Okay, so it is my 8th day at my new job. My bosses have gone to Jakarta for the week and I am left alone the other new guy. I had completed all of my tasks and was wondering what I could do to fill the time... "I know" I said to myself, "I will pull a prank on Jeff." Jeff is my workmate from Hong Kong. He is not used to my sense of humour yet.

Here is the story. On our first day last week we ordered some stationary. 8 days later the stationary has not arrived. I asked the woman who orders the stationary to help me play a joke on Jeff. After our conspiring she sent Jeff an email similiar to this:


Daniel told me that you are getting impatient and want your stationary
immediately. I am quite busy and I do not appreciate the pressure. I will order
it when I am ready.

As you can imagine, this is not the kind of thing that you want to hear on your 8th day of work. Especially when you were not impatient for the stationary. He immediately stood up and said very loudly "I did not say that. Daniel is making it up!", where my accomplise responded very loudly with "I dont have time for this ****. I am busy ALRIGHT!". He then dobbed on me and my accomplise via msn to our boss in Indonesia. I thought I was rather funny & I was laughing quite loudly at this stage.

As I left work I could tell that he was already plotting his revenge. I wonder what he will come up with.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Jakarta Prayer Tower

This is very exciting. The Jakarta Prayer Tower is designed to be the tallest building in the world and is expected to be complete by 2007. It is being built in Jakarta, Indonesia. Have a look here...


It is so easy to get caught up in our own life. We each have our own calling and we work hard at following our calling often never stopping to think about our brothers and sisters around the world.

I am sitting here now in the comfort of my second story study looking out on the swan river. It is very cold and stormy outside. I am wearing a thick red hoody, typing on a new PowerBook G4 (not mine), and listening to Sante. I thought to myself, I am glad that I'm not outside. It is freezing out there. And then I was gently reminded of the 100's and 1000's of our brothers and sisters now in China, and other "restricted" nations, who are sleeping outdoors in sub-zero conditions evading capture from the police for their "criminal, anti-revolutionary" activities, or just living the same lives as those who God called them to serve.

Many of these people are displaced. No place to call home. Rejected by their families. Rejected by their communities. Not entititled to jobs or even medical treatment. Treated like the worse kind of criminals. What is their crime? Loving God and loving people. Obeying the call that God has given them. Unselfishly reaching out to those in need. Becoming despised. Thought of as foolish and crazy. Yet they persist. Joyfully pressing forward in the hope of our salvation.

The least that we can do as Christians is to keep them in our prayers, as the writer of Hebrews exhorted - "Remember the prisoners as if chained with them - those who are mistreated - since you yourselves are in the body also." Hebrews 13:3.

Monday, June 06, 2005


I saw a short film on Saturday night at Riverview. It was about cellular biology. It is the sort of film that is shown to first year Science students at uni. I was amazed at the complexity of the simple cell. I mean, it was in itself, a complex system similiar to a car engine. It had moving parts and cogs. One part spins at 190,000 rpm's to generate power for the cell. These same scientists who study these cells believe in something called evolution. They believe that these complex cells just evolved. Here is my issue with this...

Many of these scientists who support evolution have also set up large satelites in the quest for extra-terrestrial beings. Here is the basic foundation for the determination that an ET exists...
If while monitoring the air waves in outer space, they come across signals that form some sort of pattern, (i.e. series of prime numbers) they conclude that this can not simply be nature. Nature is chaotic and can not create intricate patterns. Wow!!! Yet they can look at a human body and say that it is simply the freakish result of nature... think about it.

The human body is the most intricately complex thing on earth. To think that it just happened, rather than was designed is perplexing to me.

Also, check out this site...