Monday, June 06, 2005


I saw a short film on Saturday night at Riverview. It was about cellular biology. It is the sort of film that is shown to first year Science students at uni. I was amazed at the complexity of the simple cell. I mean, it was in itself, a complex system similiar to a car engine. It had moving parts and cogs. One part spins at 190,000 rpm's to generate power for the cell. These same scientists who study these cells believe in something called evolution. They believe that these complex cells just evolved. Here is my issue with this...

Many of these scientists who support evolution have also set up large satelites in the quest for extra-terrestrial beings. Here is the basic foundation for the determination that an ET exists...
If while monitoring the air waves in outer space, they come across signals that form some sort of pattern, (i.e. series of prime numbers) they conclude that this can not simply be nature. Nature is chaotic and can not create intricate patterns. Wow!!! Yet they can look at a human body and say that it is simply the freakish result of nature... think about it.

The human body is the most intricately complex thing on earth. To think that it just happened, rather than was designed is perplexing to me.

Also, check out this site...

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