Thursday, June 16, 2005

Congratulations Chris

My friend Chris was officially commisioned yesterday as a High School Chaplain. It is true to say that I do not know a single person who is more suited and more passionate for this job.

Chris was a police officer for the WA police force for 5 years. He also began and led a youth group at Metro church that grew substantially in a very small period of time. He has a great heart for the young generation and it's clear to see that he has devoted his life to helping teens to be all that they can be in Christ.

The ceremony was good. It was held at Melville Church of Christ. Special guests included the Mayor of Melville - Katherine Jackson, Phil Stevenson, the principle of Melville Senior Highschool, and many of Chris's close friends.

We all want you to know that you have our support. God Bless you.

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