Thursday, November 10, 2005

Cell Group

I went to cell group last night for the first time in ages. My cell leader and his wife are Malaysian, and most of the people who attend are Malaysian. There is also a Filipino couple, and 4 other Australians (including me). The cell leaders parents are here from Saba in Malaysia. The father (Uncle Kong) likes to talk. He spoke about persecution that he suffered in the 1970’s when there was no protection of religious freedom. He was a government official. Muslims in Malaysia attempted to convert all of the Christians to Islam during this time, promising them high-ranking jobs, security and protection. He watched as many of his colleagues and people from the community buckled with fear and converted. He remained steadfast. He said that although he did not reach a high-ranking post in the government, he is content and has been greatly blessed by a loving family, he is very healthy and fit and looks surprisingly young.

Uncle Kong spoke of how he resisted the temptation to become corrupt (which is apparently common among government officials in Malaysia). Every day he prayed for Christ’s strength. He put his faith in God that he would live an honest life even if it hurt, but God would bless him. When people bought him bribes, he rejected the bribes but yet often did the job anyway to display the love of God. He encouraged us to remain faithful to Christ in the face of all obstacles. Christ is faithful and will reward those who seek Him.

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