Thursday, July 20, 2006

New Links

I have added two new links to my blog side bar. Here is a bit about them.

Gus Dur (Abdurrahman Wahid), an ex-president of Indonesia, is a combination of many professions: an intellectual, author, columnist, public speaker, cleric, politician, activist, peacebuilder, artist, and soccer commentator. He is also a charismatic leader of Indonesia's largest Islamic organization, Nahdlatul Ulama, which boasts a membership of more than 45 million.

"I have been called ‘Chrislam' because I am so close to Christians," Abdurrahman Wahid is quoted as saying.

LivingRoom - A space for life, is an emerging missional community in the Inner North of Melbourne. "We are a small group of people seeking to live life to the full and to join Jesus in his life giving process in the inner north of Melbourne. We call ourselves LivingRoom because we want to be a life giving space where people connect with the teachings of Jesus in natural and culturally relevant ways." This is their blog.

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