Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Kingdom

I have been absent from blogging for quite a while. I am working on a project at my company currently. I am writing code for a new CRM system that will soon be implemented. It's at times difficult to stay focused since I have many job roles here. I am constantly being torn between each of them.

I am doing alot of study lately, mainly concerning the Kingdom of God. I am learning more than I thought possible in this area. Many of my supposed beliefs have been turned on their head, and its as though I am experiencing great refreshing as I receive these truths.

Among my current readings are 'The Secret Message of Jesus (Brian McLaren)', 'Make Poverty Personal (Ash Barker)', and the Gospel of Luke. I am reading the Gospel of Luke with "new eyes". That is, I am reading it out of the context of 'church' and in the context of 'culture'. I am seeing Christ's message in the context of his immediate society, and the universal society over all.

The more I read, the more I come to believe that we have missed the true message or infact, only focused on one part of that message - His death and resurection (no small feat i might add). What about the rest of the message? The Kingdom part of the message? No, not Kingdom as an after life thing, but the Kingdom that Jesus said "is at hand"? The Kingdom that is "within us"? Parable after parable in Lukes Gospel speaks of this Kingdom, and I believe that we need to revisit this for what it is worth.

Are we prepared to think and pray long and hard about these things? We ought to be. Otherwise we are liable to miss the greatest story every told - a story that we are a part of.

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