I have a quote running through my mind but I do not really know what it means. “Unity in diversity”. I actually think that it is the stance that the Indonesian government took in trying to quell religious violence and protests. Due to human nature it seems that diversity brings anything but unity. People are either afraid of what they do not know, or they are simply instructed to murder those who differ from them (the latter is practised by a group of militants belonging to a particular religion, both will remain anonymous). The first is easier to deal with.
You just need to educate through the media and in our schools. The media does not seem to do the best job in encouraging unity however. They scare the crap out of most people and have us paranoid looking for non-Caucasians dressed in big jackets carrying backpacks on our buses. Why doesn’t the media put the focus on racial issues. Do you know that there are racist groups in
Christians… grab these kids before the racists grab them. Show these kids that they are accepted and loved. Show them that there is unity in diversity and that Gods love does not discriminate.
Media… stop inciting fear in our children’s lives and show them unity in diversity. Show them the truth about the refugees arriving in
Media… Don’t make the Indonesians stance on drug smuggling seem unfair. The Indonesians have seen what drugs are doing to our nation. They have seen the affects that drugs have had on the
As Christians we know that unity is essential in the body of believers (Ephesians 4:1-6). We know that as brothers and sisters we must love each other as Jesus loves the church. But in humanity let there be unity among everyone. People from different religions, different nationalities, different social groups, different classes. Gods love does not discriminate and neither should ours. Every single human being on this earth shares the same core desires. We desire safety, protection, eternal life (deep down), and most of all… we all desire Love. Do not let ourselves get caught up on the cosmetic differences.
When a suicide bomber blows him self up, it is because he is seeking eternal life and safety. He wants safety for his family culture. He feels that westerners and their “christianity” are threatening their very existence. So they react the only way they know how. Remember that our war is against what is unseen. It is against the principalities that we can not see. The devil and his demons that breed hate among God’s most loved here on earth. Our war is against that realm. Our weapons are not bombs or guns or any weapon made by man. Our weapons are mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. (Ephesians 6:11-17). Let us love and accept everyone here on earth. Be gentle as doves but as cunning as serpents. Let us get our hands dirty and stand and fight in the heavenly places. Let us take up our armour and our spiritual weapons (the Word of God) and destroy these principalities of hate and lies. Fight! Fight! Fight!
Gods love is for every single muslim on this earth. Gods love is for every one of every race. Gods love is for the drug smugglers and the executioners. Gods love is for us and for them. God does not desire that ANY should perish, but that ALL should come into the knowledge of Him and His love for them. And I promise that this will one day happen. “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.” (Habakkuk 2:14). But we must fight for it. Jesus Saves. He is the only way that broken and sinful man (which we all are) can be made whole and stand before our awesome God in confidence. Jesus took our punishment. He gave us life.
Let there be unity in diversity. God created us all uniquely. He created every people group. I love the diversity of this country. Let’s never lose that.
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