Monday, December 31, 2007

There's so much grace

Another year has come to an end. I struggled deeply with faith this year. Sitting here now, I believe one thing - there's so much GRACE.

I genuinely believe that Christs sacrifice was sufficient and if we live in HIM we have all the benefits of that grace. That means freedom. May 2008 be a year where we all know that grace. May we be the church, worshipping God and living like we should - ambassadors of a better Kingdom - bringing the light and joy of Christ into our neighbourhoods.

I quote Brian McLaren's final sentence from his new book, "Everything must change - Jesus, Global Crisis, and a Revolution of Hope":
"Mountains can be moved and everything can change, beginning with our stories, beginning with faith, beginning now, beginning with us."

I pray for God's blessing on Australia, the world, and the Church in 2008.

God, may Your kingdom come.

In Christ,


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